How many of us wish to be able to leave our 9-5 desk job behind us and travel to some sun drenched country where we can open up a small bar and sit peacefully watching the world go by as we sip on a Sangria? Moving to another country. It it all that its cracked up to be or are you better off at home?
Well, that’s a hard one to answer. Personally I believe it depends a lot upon luck and how much you are willing to put into your new home. If you go overseas and expect everything to be the same as in your home country then you will be disappointed. Similarly if you dont make any effort to change and adapt then it will never truly work unless that is you have moved into some ex pat community, but if you choose the latter option then why have you take the step to move abroad at all? Originally from the Uk I moved to Istanbul nearly 7 years ago. Arriving with a bag of clothes and no money it was probably, looking back now an act of foolishness. At first I didnt miss anything from the UK but over the years I do get an ocassional pang for Branston Pickle, Marmite and Fish N Chips! Last year I was fortunate to be able to travel to Kuala Lumpur on business. Actually once I had arrived in Malaysia I thought I had arrived in Heaven. There was Cream Soda, Salad Cream, Marmite and best of all I had Fish N Chips with Sarsons vinegar. However once I had fulfilled my craving of Fish and Chips I started to miss Turkish food and longed for Pide ( Turkish pizza ) I headed for the only outlet for Turkish food in Kuala Lumpur. Aptly named ‘Istanbul kebab’. My craving for Pide was satisfied and it was soon time to head for home.
Home is Istanbul. Not England. I dispair when people ask me whats happening in ‘ My Country’ or ask me whats the weather like in London! ‘My Country’ What does this mean? and I have not been back to the UK since I arrived here so I honestly have no idea what the weather is like in London, but ask me if its raining in the Black sea and I will be able to answer you.
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