22 Mart 2008 Cumartesi

Little Green men and little Green tips for the environment

Little Green men and little Green tips for the environment

Everyone is aware of the climate changes that we are experiencing. Climate change because of natural reasons is not something that we need to be unduly concerned about, but our concern should be for the climate changes that we are experiencing that are man made. What we are talking about here is the Greenhouse effect which is causing a rise in the temperature on Earth.What causes the temperature to rise?
Man made gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide retain the energy that comes from the sun. If we did not have these gases then the energy that is retained would simply be released back into space and the temperature on Earth would be colder. Because of this we do need the green house effect otherwise the planet would be at least 60 degrees colder than it is now and it would not be able to sustain human life. But if the Greenhouse effect continues to warm the Earth then this will cause problems for the survival of plants, animals and of course mankind.

Am I responsible for sending these Greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere?

If you do any of the following for example, then yes you are responsible,

Using a hairdryer
Using your play station
Using a washing machine
Using the air conditioner at work
Using the microwave

These contribute to the greenhouse effect because you are using electricity and the power plants that the electric we take for granted use oil and gas to produce the electric which in turn releases gases that in turn contribute to the greenhouse effect

Even when you have a clear out at home and throw things out to the rubbish, you are contributing to the greenhouse effect. The reason for this is because the rubbish dumps let of the gas methane

The list can go on considerably. At the end of the day we are all guilty and must help to reduce the greenhouse effect

We can’t expect everyone to suddenly stop driving their cars for example but what is popular in many countries is carpooling, so instead of 4 cars being driven to work, you can share one car with 3 colleagues.

Plant a tree. Why? Because trees help to absorb carbon dioxide.
Recycle. Why? Because when you recycle you are sending less waste to the rubbish dumps.

Turn off any electrical devices when you are not at home and don’t keep them on standby.
Walk instead of driving where possible.
When storing food don’t use cling film etc but use reusable containers.
At work don’t print unless it’s really necessary.
When shopping take your own bag rather than accepting plastic carrier bags from shops.
Buy soaps and detergents that don’t contain phosphates.
When you clean your windows and mirrors use the old fashioned method of mixing vinegar and water on crumpled newspaper. It’s a sure way to a smear clear window or mirror.

These tips are just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. Why not join and environmental group to really get involved or collect information from the internet or your local library

Save a tree. Please do not print this article

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